Thursday, September 6, 2012


"Fashion is a kind of communication. It's a language without words. A great hat speaks for itself."

 One day, while walking to the Kierkegaard conference in Copenhagen, I happened upon a butik (boutique) whose window display drew me in.  Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of the shop, but I did take pictures of the lovely items that bade me enter.  Each one-of-a-kind design was made out of paper by a Danish artist, and the shopkeeper was kind enough to allow me to try on each and every one.  When I asked the price of one of them, she told me that they were not for sale, as the artist refused to put a kroner (the Danish equivalent of our dollar) amount on her work.  But, I was informed, if I was seriously interested, she would be happy to take a quick trip down the street to the milliner's apartment to ask once more.  I declined, but was generously encouraged to take the following photos for your viewing enjoyment.  Remember: these are all made of paper!  Aren't they lovely?