Monday, July 30, 2012

eight reasons to love the amsterdam airport

  1. Fish pedicures and an oxygen bar.
  2. A grand piano that the public can play at will.
  3. The seating is super awesome, and some of it is arranged in cozy configurations.  It’s perfect for napping.
  4. Fresh organic juices at reasonable prices.
  5. Gift shops are fully stocked with cheeses.
  6. And meats, herrings, smoked eel, and caviar…
  7. Just about everyone speaks English, so I’m able to get along.
  8. The music on the digital airport library: Alain Clark, Anouk, Within Temptation.

tulips.  because it's holland!

this city sure is proud of its...errr...ummm...flora...

what the heck is this doing in amsterdam?!?

meat, meat, and more meat!

smoked eel, anyone?  they had herring, too, packed into little styrofoam coolers...

lovely cheese selection in an airport giftshop...
this was cool...

seems like the netherlands has some good music!

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