Monday, July 30, 2012

my very first blog post

For the last several months or so—okay, more like the last nine months or so—my upstairs neighbors have been pestering me to write a cookbook.  See, I invite them down to try my cooking and my raw-foods “un-cooking,” and they repay me by aggravating me and hounding me to write the recipes down so I can share with the world what they obviously consider to be delicious food.  When I complained about this to my mother and several other friends, it backfired, and then I had more people aggravating me and hounding me to share my recipes. 

So, I decided to start a blog whose main focus will be food.  Like, maybe 70% food.  The other 30% will be about whatever else strikes my fancy.  Everyone needs a space/place to ponder, and to soapbox, and to wax poetic, right?  Well, I suppose I’m making my own (s)p(l)ace.  Now, because I’m starting this whole blogging endeavor while I’m out of the country, and many of my other friends—and some of the ones mentioned above—are pestering me to post travel photos and updates, things will be a bit travel-heavy to begin with.  But fear not!  I’ve already started preparing some food posts for when I am stateside again. 

So, welcome to feisty living!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I can't wait to see some recipes. My mom did a cookbook of family recipes, and a bread/baking one of old family recipes or receipts as they called them in the old days. Have fun on your trip!
