I cried three times today.
The first was over something silly. I got frustrated because I couldn’t
figure out how to do something quite simple. Like open a door, or unlock a bike, or some other such thing
that should be easy, but, because I’m in a different county, it turns into
something so complex that even my PhD training doesn’t seem to help, and I end
up feeling like an idiot, and because I'm in unfamiliar surroundings, and I'm surrounded by unfamiliar people, I feel more alone and raw and emotional than usual. So, I cried because I was frustrated.
The second time, I was walking along one of the Copenhagen's lakes that
used to be motes, and I saw a rosebush festooned with lavender blooms. I stopped—literally to smell the roses—and was so
stirred by the scent, that I cried.
I cried actual tears because that flower smelled so indescribably
beautiful that I didn’t know how to express my appreciation and emotion. So my body helped me out, and my
emotions spilled, and I didn’t need to say or do anything else.
The third time was mere minutes later, walking along another
one of the lakes that used to be motes.
I heard music so beautifully haunting that I stopped breathing. A Romany man was playing an accordion
with such depth and intensity that I was thoroughly overwhelmed. The music was sad, and the man was sad,
and the man and his music shared all that sadness with me, and I remembered my own sadness and became overwhelmed. And I cried.
Sometimes tears are the only way to express very deep emotions. So glad you can embrace your emotions.