Wednesday, August 8, 2012

going back for seconds: more smoerrebroed!

As promised, I made a trip back to the neighborhood butcher my landlady suggested.  In fact, I did so the morning after I posted the original smoerrebroed post.  Apparently, even Danes are crazy about their smoerrebroed, because when she saw my blog post, she got hungry for some and asked me to pick a few up for her, too!
My sweet Danish landlady Birgitte
The butcher shop packaged them a bit differently, but just as enticingly.  It reminded me of how my grandmother used to wrap sandwiches in waxed paper.

Are you getting excited yet?  Well, keep scrolling, and you'll see the delicious smoerrebroed as it appeared in the butchers case!

Looks good, huh?  Now I'll show you the ones I got...complete with descriptions!

Since I loved this variety at the other shop, I decided to give it a try here.  Again, it's a fish filet, topped with tomato, remoulade, micro-green things, and lemon.  In all honesty, I liked the other one better--it was bigger, and the fish was lighter and flakier.  But...the remoulade sauce on this one was incredible!  Homemade at the butcher shop, if I understood correctly.  Mmm!  I'd get this one again just because of the sauce.

This one is ham, shredded pickled beets, a pickle spear, tomato wedge, and a piece of pork cracklin.  I loved the textures of this one, even though I'm not a big fan of pork.  Everything worked well together.

This one is leverpostej, a homemade liver sausage that it seems every Dane eats.  Apparently it is quite popular, and each shop has its own secret recipe.  This site states: "Liver pate - “Leverpostej” is more Danish than the Evangelical Lutheran Church - and the monarchy. In brief there are more Danes that eat “Leverpostej” than there are members of the Danish Church or supporters of the royal family - which is a much admired institution in Denmark. 95 percent of all Danes eat “Leverpostej”. 40 percent eat “Leverpostej” daily. The Danes eat 18-20 million tons of “Leverpostej” every year - 4 kilo per Dane - and 60 million aluminium trays are backed yearly. 92 percent of all Danes over 12 years make a “Leverpostejmad” - an open faced liver paste sandwich every single day - with all sorts of toppings." 

Well, with a write-up like that, how could I NOT try it!  Besides, I used to eat liver sausage when I was a kid.  And once in a very great while, I'll get a taste for it now.  With onion and dark mustard.  So, of course I was gonna try this one.  And it was pretty tasty, too.  This smoerrebroed was topped with a pickled beet, tiny micro-green things, aspic, and a tomato wedge.  And you know what?  The aspic went well with it, too.  I ate the whole thing!

And finally, the piece de resistance...

Now, I know this doesn't look like much, but it was the best smoerrebroed I've had yet.  It's some sort of Italian salted beef thing, topped with a horseradish sauce (made with CREME FRAISE!!!), shredded horseradish, sweet and spicy mustard, some pickle relish thing, and a tomato wedge.  I actually groaned when I took a bite.  It was INCREDIBLE.  I'll definitely be going back to that butcher shop!  I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that it is just right around the corner...

And here, for your enjoyment, are more smoerrebroed photos:

1 comment:

  1. Lorelei
    Is the Leverpostej like Braunschweiger? It kind of looks like it.
