Thursday, August 2, 2012

potato salad!

Anyone who knows me at all knows I despise potato salad.  Cold chunks of overcooked mealy potatos sodden with greasy mayonnaise, topped with green pepper and paprikia...  *gag*  I'm not even a huge fan of potatoes cooked other ways, either.  However, the adorable little Danish potatoes I kept encountering intrigued and tempted me…but how could I prepare them?  And then, I kept seeing signs advertising kartofelsalat (potato salad), so I began to wonder.  Might American and Danish potato salads be different?  I do so love the hot German version—all salty and sour with bacon and vinegar…

So, while dining at the home of new Danish friends, I brought up the subject and was told that there are MANY possible versions of potato salad.  One can make it hot, with olive oil, diced olives, sun-dried tomatoes, capers, and herbs.  One can make it cold, using any variety of preparations, most of which do not include Hellmann’s mayonnaise!  I was sold on the idea, and went to the store the next day to get what I needed.

Here is the version I tried:
  1. Slice and boil a bunch of little yellow Danish potatoes (be sure to wash off all the fine sand coating them!). 
  2. Let the little golden beauties cool off before sprinkling lightly with salt and tossing in greek yogurt.  Feel free to add a dab of crème fraise if you like.  I did!
  3. Sprinkle in sliced green onion and lots of dill.
  4. Eat
Notes: If I had had any on hand, I would have added a tiny bit of prepared mustard.  Oh, you might also like some black pepper…I hate the stuff, so I don’t even keep it in my house!  

The finished product, served alongside a hard boiled egg, pickled herring in curry sauce, and a piece of Danish brown bread. 
Let me know if you try making it!  I'd love to hear about your experiences!

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